发表于 2023-9-16 19:09:35
Brother, it's okay to deceive buddies, don't deceive yourself. It really doesn't matter if buddy is deceived by you, it will pass with a haha. But I hope you wipe the corners of your eyes after typing this paragraph and don't let the tears fall on the phone screen. It's okay for buddies to believe these words you said. It can also make you have a heart comfort, but this kind of saying it is almost enough to deceive your brother, buddy believe you will not lose a piece of meat, but don't make yourself really good. It's really not that buddies want to break your defense, you wipe your tears and think about it, who will believe you except brothers?
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戏友可,勿戏本心也。友信无碍,一笑便过。盼君语毕拭涕,勿落泪于屏。君之语,如信可慰之,信则无不可。君之言,勿自以为真。友便信君,纵欺无碍,一笑过矣。非友使君伤,拭泪且问心。非汝之友,何人信汝此言? |